1. Configuration Data
1.1.Data format
Configuration data can be sent to and from the tester. The format is ASCII text strings. This makes it easy to add new configuration data at a later date. It also makes it easy to manipulate configuration data on a PC using a standard text editor.
The format of a configuration data file is :
For example a typical configuration file might look like this:
Engineering Dept.
Sales Room
Client A
Client B
Steve Rudd
Joe Bloggs
Sr Jose Carreras
AP module 1
AP module 2
2. CSV Download Data Format
2.1. Summary Result format
A Summary Download format is shown below. It consists of the header information from the Complete Result format and the overall status only. Individual test results are omitted.
The enter symbol indicates ASCII <CR><LF> characters.
Words in bold text are keywords which will change according to the language setting.
Tested on,23 Jan 2008,,,,
Asset ID,A000002,,,,
User Name,Admin,,,,
Test Sequence,62353 - ClassI - Alt,,,,
2.2. Complete Result format
The “Complete Result Download” format consists of the following items. NB the “List” items are further defined in the subsequent sections.
Tested on,23 Jan 2008,,,,
Asset ID,A000002,,,,
<Tester Model>, <Tester Serial Number>,,,,
<Asset Trace Variables List>
<Applied Part Module List>
User Name,Admin,,,,
Test Sequence,62353 - ClassI - Alt,,,,
<Test Results List>
User Comment, < Line 1>,< Line 2>,< Line 3>,< Line 4>,
Note there is a blank line between each asset, and at the end of all assets is the single line:
End of Data
2.2.1. <Asset Trace Variables List>
This is a list of all the active Trace Variables in the form:
<Trace Variable Name>, <Trace Variable>,,,,
Site, London,,,,
2.2.2. <Applied Part Module List>
This is a list of all the active AP modules. Data on each module is output in the form:
AP Setup,<Module name>, <Type>,<Connection numbers>,,,
AP Setup,AP 1, type B, (B 1 - 3),,,
AP Setup,AP 2, type BF, (BF 4 - 6),,,
AP Setup,AP 3, type CF, (CF 7 - 9),,,
2.2.3. <Test Results List>
This is a list of all the test results. Each individual test result consists of either :
<Test Name>, <Mains state>, <Single Fault Condition>, <measured value>, <Pass/fail status>, <Pass/Fail Threshold> ,<units>
Possible <Test Name> values are:
Custom Test
Visual Test
Earth Bond
Insulation EUT 250V
Insulation EUT 500V
Insulation AP 250V
Insulation AP 500V
Insulation AP-Mains 250V
Insulation AP-Mains 500V
IEC Wiring Test
Load Test
Live Voltage
Load Current
Neutral Voltage
Earth Lkg
Enclosure Lkg
AP Lkg (Dir)
AP Lkg (Alt)
Patient Lkg
Equip Leakage (Dir)
Equip Leakage (Diff)
Equip Leakage (Alt)
Patient Lkg (F Type)
Patient Lkg (Auxiliary)
NFPA 99 Chassis Lkg
NFPA 99 Patient Lkg
NFPA Patient (F Type)
Lead to Lead Lkg
Patient Aux AP-ALL
Possible < Mains state > values are:
Mains Normal
Mains Reversed
Possible < Single Fault Condition > values are:
SFC: Earth Open
SFC: Neutral Open
SFC: Source Reversed
Possible <Pass/fail status> values are:
Possible IEC Wiring Test< measured value > values are:
Live Open
Live/Neutral reversed
Live/Neutral short
Neutral Open
Live/Neutral Open
Test not complete In the case of user defined tests the format is:
Custom Test, <Test Name>, <Test Units>, <measured value>, <Pass/fail status>, <Pass/Fail Threshold>
2.2.4. Example of Complete Download format
An example of a Complete Result Download format is shown below. The ¿ symbol indicates ASCII <CR><LF> characters.
Tested on,23 Jan 2008,,,,
Asset ID,A000050,,,,
Rigel 288,V00-0000,,,,
Service Code,SC 0050,,,,
Site,TestSite 006,,,,
Location,TestLocn 005,,,,
Make,Manufacturer 0050,,,,
Model,Model 0050,,,,
Description,A small appliance,,,,
Serial Number,S/No 0850,,,,
Client,a small client,,,,
AP Setup,AP 1, type B,(B 1 - 3),,,
AP Setup,AP 2, type BF,(BF 4 - 6),,,
AP Setup,AP 3, type CF,(CF 7 - 9),,,
User Name,Admin,,,,
Test Sequence,62353 - ClassI - Alt,,,,
Visual Test,,,,,Pass,
Custom Test,Visual PreTest 1,,,,Failed,
Custom Test,Visual PreTest 2,,,,Failed,
Earth Bond,,, 0.175,Pass,0.300,Ohms
Earth Bond -ve,,, 0.325,Failed,0.300,Ohms
Earth Bond 25A,,, 0.299,Pass,0.300,Ohms
Insulation EUT 250V,,, 10.0,Pass,7.0,MOhms
Insulation AP 250V,,,>50,Pass,7.0,MOhms
Insulation AP 500V,,, 19.9,Pass,7.0,MOhms
Insulation AP-Mains 500V,,, 9.99,Failed,70.0,MOhms
IEC Wiring Test,,,,OK, Load Test,,, 1.23,,,kVA
Live Voltage,,, 24,,,V Load Current,,, 16.00,,,A
Neutral Voltage,,, 1,,,V Live Voltage,,, 20.0,,,V
Earth Lkg,Mains Reversed,SFC: Earth Open, 123,Failed,100,μA
Enclosure Lkg,Mains Normal,SFC: Neutral Open,423,Pass,500,μA
Equip Leakage (Dir),Mains Reversed,SFC: Earth Open, 99,Pass,100,μA
Equip Leakage (Alt),Mains Normal,SFC: Neutral Open,321,Pass,500,μA
AP Lkg (Dir) ,Mains Reversed,SFC: Earth Open, 1500,Failed,1000,μA
Equip Leakage (Diff),Mains Normal,SFC: Neutral Open,936,Pass,1000,μA
Patient Lkg (F Type),Mains Reversed,, 123,Failed,100,μA
Patient Lkg (Auxiliary),Mains Normal,SFC: Neutral Open,<4,Pass,100,μA
Custom Test,A Test name 20 chars,,,,Failed,
User Comment,Generated by:-,Rigel 288,V00-0000,2.19
End of Data
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