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Cables & Connectors

Multiple cables and connectors to maximise your Rigel products

Product Compatibility Part Number
Applied Parts Connector Box Safetest 99 417A911
Applied Part Adaptors PatSim200 / Safetest 99 / UniPulse 400 404A951
Patient Applied Part Module (10 Way) 288+ 331A680
Patient Applied Parts Adaptors Uni-Sim / 288+ 298A678
ECG Connector Box Uni-Sim 370A982
SpO2 Adaptor  Uni-Sim/SP-Sim 370A977
Footswitch cables Uni-Therm  800A993
Accessory cable set Uni-Therm  800A997
Crocodile clip Uni-Therm  286A954
Jumper links (pack of 3) Uni-Therm  367A954
Bipolar Neutral Lead (ValleyLab) Uni-Therm 800A992
Monopolar Neutral plate lead (ValleyLab) Uni-Therm  800A996
Bipolar Neutral lead (Multiple) Uni-Therm  800A990
Monopolar Neutral plate lead (Multiple) Uni-Therm  800A991
Uni-Therm Active cable Uni-Therm  800A994
Uni-Therm Bipolar cable Uni-Therm 800A995


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